Saturday, June 19, 2010


More book news!
I'm excited to say the Halloween anthology has found a lovely home! I can't share many details until I meet with the publisher, but it will be released in trade paperback September 2011. I couldn't have done it without all of the wonderful stories. Once the details are locked in, I'll post an official announcement including the publisher and a list of the contributors.

Above is my original mock-up cover which I doubt will be used. Back when this project was just a twinkle in my eye, the title was Bats in the Belfry because I'd planned to publish the book myself and I was calling my little publishing venture Belfry Press. But when the stories began rolling in, and they were so damn good, I felt we should reach higher. Now I think we might need a new title, and I'd like to have a list of options when I meet with the publisher. So please leave your title ideas in the comment section!


  1. I'm thinking... ;-)

    (heh. My word verification was Sifyi.)

  2. Halloween Dreams

    Halloween Soup

    I love Halloween Noir, but can't figure out how to tweak it to fit the variety of genres.

  3. oh, i LOVE Halloween Noir. Many of the stories are Noirish, but a few aren't. Hmmmm.

  4. I would say 3/4 could be thought of as Noir.

  5. I think that might work. LOVE IT! Because the two don't really go together. Halloween and Noir -- two different things, but we're combining so it maybe creates a twist on the traditional idea of Noir.

  6. You could also use TITLE, An anthology of the nocturnal and noir.... or something like that.

  7. Goal, Anne . Goal, Heather! This is great news. Thanks for including me!

  8. There is a popular SciFi anthology called October Dreams: A celebration of Halloween. I love that. Thinking Halloween Dreams might pick up hits on a search for the other title.

  9. paul, i'm glad you're part of the crew!

    heather, that feels a little soft to me, but i'll add it to long list. the majority of stories are fairly gritty. even the ones that would be considered straight Halloween do have some of that nasty Noir feel. heh.


  10. You could name it BOOK and I would still buy it. ;-)

  11. I am lousy at titles so I will leave it up to those who have the knack.

  12. The Noirly Hallows.

    Just joking. Sometimes I'm good at titles. Apparently not at the moment! I'm so happy, oink-oink.

    Oh! how about: Batty Noir?

    Okay. I'll go away now.

  13. heh! i'm not good at titles, although i've come up with a few decent ones over the years. but i've also come up with some real doozies.


  14. I like Halloween Noir and was also thinking along the same lines as Likari. What about:

    Hallows Noir
    All Hallows Noir

  15. hmmm. thinking...


  16. Stepmothers and Other Monsters: 20 Tales of Halloween?

    Insert monster of choice for "Stepmothers" (something that's actually in one of the stories). Unless the reference to monsters would sound too supernatural.

    Any romance? Halloween Noir/Rouge.

  17. Paula, not really any romance. I like your title, but it wouldn't encompass the titles that are more crime fiction. To my mind, it will be hard to beat Halloween Noir. I really like that!
